Welcome to Coaches Corner
Check this page for information on mandatory training, practice ideas, videos, club and league news.
Click Here for the steps to sign up as a Volunteer Recreation Coach.
Required Coaches Training
SafeSport Training
New Jersey Youth Soccer requires all coaches and board members to complete the US Center for SafeSport's "SafeSport Trained" Core Training and refresher course(s) on an annual basis. This includes all US Soccer members (NJYS & US Club Soccer).
SafeSport training runs on a four-year cycle. Only one training per year needs to be completed.
Year One: SafeSport Trained Core Course (1.5-2 hrs)
Year Two: SafeSport Core Refresher 1 Course (15-20 mins)
Year Three: SafeSport Core Refresher 2 Course (15-20 mins)
Year Four: SafeSport Core Refresher 3 Course (15-20 mins)
Year Five: SafeSport Trained Core Course (cycle repeats)
Register For the Course (First Time):
Please use the following instructions to create a SafeSport Trained account and access the core training.
- Login to your Millville Soccer Association account.
- Click on the Volunteer Tab.
- Click on the link in your Certifications Box for SafeSport Training
- Complete information on “Sign Up” page.
- If prompted, log in to the new account you just created.
- Click on “Menu” and select “Catalog.”
- Click the Start button for “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation” to complete the course.
- Upload your certificate of completion to your Millville Soccer Association profile.
Annual Refresher Training:
- Login to your Millville Soccer Association account.
- Click on the Volunteer Tab.
- Click on the link in your Certifications Box for SafeSport Training
- Login to your SafeSport account.
- Click on “Menu” and select “Catalog.”
- Click the Start button for the next available “SafeSport Refresher – U.S. Soccer Federation” course.
- Upload your certificate of completion to your Millville Soccer Association profile.
SafeSport training is available, free of charge, to all Board Members, Coaches, Parents and athletes.
Concussion Training
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head that can change the way your brain normally works. Concussions can also occur from a fall or a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth.
Governor Christie passed a Law on Sports Concussion Injury Prevention and Management in December 2010. This law has begun to impact all Youth Soccer Programs run through NJYS that apply to rent out/use HS or Public Parks and Recreation Fields -- besides turning in a Certificate of Insurance, we are required that all coaches using these complexes show proof of training in Sports Concussions.
Get the Training:
- Login to your Millville Soccer Association account.
- Click on the Volunteer Tab.
- Click on the link in your Certifications Box for Concussion Training
- Login or create your CDC account.
- Click on "Heads Up" Concussion Training.
- Complete the "Heads Up" Concussion training course.
- Upload your certificate of completion to your Millville Soccer Association profile.
All coaches and administrators are required to complete the required training.
NYSCA Membership and Certification
As a requirement by the City of Millville Recreation Department, ALL MSA Recreation coaches are required to participate in the NYSCA Soccer Coaches training. This training is done entirely online.
Once the course is completed, coaches must present their membership card to a MSA Board Member. Assistant Coaches must also complete the training. This certification must be completed before any practices or games. You must keep your Membership Card on you at all times. There will be spot inspections.
You can access all the tools and the certification course here: http://www.nays.org/Coaches (then click through to "Coaching Youth Soccer" website.
The NYSCA Coaching Youth Soccer Website is one of the most comprehensive resources for volunteer coaches. The Coaching Youth Soccer clinic will provide you with the fundamental knowledge needed to teach: Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, Goalkeeping, Heading, Crossing, Corner Kicks, Free Kicks, Goal Kicks, Penalty Kicks, Throw In's, Defensive Skills, Possession Games and much more.
Member Benefits
Interactive Online Clinics
Youth Sports Journal
Membership Card
$1,000,000 Liability Insurance
Affordable Membership Fee
Printable Coaching Manuals
All MSA Coaches are required to participate in this program. It's another great resource that we strive to bring to our coaching staff and in turn, pass on the knowledge and experience to our players.
Care for Your Players
IMPORTANT: When your practice sessions are completed, make sure all players have transportation before you leave the complex, regardless of their age. Do not leave your players unattended. A momentary lapse of attention could have a disastrous result. Please do all you can to ensure the safety of ALL our players.
Paid Trainers & Coaches
The use of paid trainers and coaches has grown in recent years in the soccer community. We encourage, but do not require, the use of paid trainers. We do not have a "Club Trainer", so if you need advice in securing a professional trainer, contact your Director of Coaching & Player Development, a peer coach, or anyone else who may be able to advise you.
Be aware that there are new rules from New Jersey Youth Soccer, governing the use of paid trainers. ALL non-volunteer trainers and coaches MUST provide a certificate of insurance, naming NJYS (New Jersey Youth Soccer) as an additional named insured on their policy, or purchase NJYS liability coverage, at the cost of $200 per trainer. This is for PAID TRAINERS & COACHES ONLY, and does not affect the status of our unpaid volunteer coaches.
Further, each paid trainer or coach must secure a NJYS Non-Volunteer Pass, which are issued only at the NJYS office. A Non-volunteer Membership Form must be completed, and a copy of their coaching license must be provided.
Do not violate this rule! Any violation would be looked upon by NJYS as insurance fraud, and will void our State insurance protection. If you or your team is paying anyone to train or coach children who are members of the Millville Soccer Association, these rules must be adhered to. This applies to ANY & EVERY person who receives money for training.
Please inform the Club President of any trainers you use, or intend to use, so that we will be certain that proper documentation has been secured. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Fields & Equipment
Coaches, All goals have been secured in place.
Please do not move them, as they may become damaged, they may damage the fields and they will not be safely anchored to the ground.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any problems or have questions with the fields or equipment, contact the Director of Fields & Equipment at [email protected]